Control your Submissive Boy: 150 Ways for the New Domme to Master Her Man by Raven Michaels Lockhart
Digital E-Book Download
- 160 pages
- Spilled Candy Publications
This book is written within the context of a loving female-led marriage or long-term relationship between a man and a woman because we do not believe there is enough credible instruction and idea-generators available for the new domme or for the wife who has been introduced to Dominance by her submissive husband. It can also be used in the context of short-term and uncommitted relationships. The purpose of this book is to serve as a launching point for new ideas to spice up your sex life and/or love life, and hopefully to take you in interesting new directions that make your life more...fulfilled.
Control your Submissive Boy: 150 Ways for the New Domme to Master Her Man [PDF]
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