Florence Lin's Complete Book of Chinese Noodles, Dumplings, and Breads
Digital E-Book
Morrow; 1st edition (1986)
An experienced teacher of Chinese cooking and a well-established author in the field (Chinese Regional Cookbook, etc.), Lin contrives here a novel departure from conventionally organized cookbooks. She divides the contents into three kinds of doughs: wheat-flour, rice-flour and those made from beans and other starches, and provides numerous recipes for noodles, dumplings and breads in each category. Much of the volume, however, is given over to fillings and accompanying dishessoups, salads, sauces and a wide variety of casserole combinations. This excellent guide is a large, generously packed volume, less specialized than the title implies and full of cook-ahead and other time-saving hints.
Florence Lin's Complete Book of Chinese Noodles, Dumplings & Breads [PDF eBook]
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