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Human Anatomy and Figure Drawing: The Integration of Structure and Perspective by Jack Kramer 


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Appropriate for all beginning and intermediate courses in Art, Basic Drawing, Figure Drawing, or Life Drawing.



This revised edition of Human Anatomy and Figure Drawing has been generously expanded in text and image. I am privileged to share with the reader the elaborately labeled en- gravings from Jean Leo Testut's Traite D'Anatomic Humaine. These engravings were labeled in English by Frederick Henry Gerrish, professor of anatomy at the Medical School of Maine, Bowdoin College, for his Textbook of Anatomy. An American nineteenth-century anatomist, Gerrish was convinced that drawing as a skill "can be cultivated to such an extent as to be wonderfully serviceable to the medical student." He did not anticipate that his own line drawings of the origin and insertion of muscles (which accompany the Testut engravings) would later serve the art student. Many additional anatomically relevant masterworks have been secured for the present edition.


A completely new section on the influence of anatomy on the costumed figure provides a more direct application of anatomy to figure composition and illustration. For the instructor in figure drawing and the teacher of anatomy, an innovative new chapter on planning an anatomy course will suggest a number of ways to implement instruction. A new appendix provides sources of supply for skeletons, charts, muscle casts, slides, and films. The expanded compendium offers a quick, condensed anatomy reference, with diagrams indicating the surface location of bone, fat, and superficial veins.















Human Anatomy and Figure Drawing by Jack Kramer [PDF eBook]

Artikelnummer: 978-0442247362
inkl. MwSt.

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