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Let go! Theory & Practice of Detachment According to Zen by Hubert Benoit 


Digital E-Book

Red Wheel (1977) 


This book represents a culmination of thoughts which made up The Supreme Doctrine.  In spite of their theoretical form, these studies have a practical aim; the aim of all theory, when it concerns human realization, is essentially practical.


The Supreme Doctrine, however, did not reach a solution to the question of an effective technique for 'letting go'.  I did not know then if such a technique were possible or if intuitive understanding would be sufficient.

Since then I have come to the conclusion that a special 'exercise' must intervene in order to actualize our understanding.  The third part of this present work is entirely devoted to this exercise, to the analysis of language - an analysis on which this exercise is based - and to the necessary conditions for it to be effective.


The first two parts constitute a long preamble, but it is very necessary that they should be read in order to understand the end of the book.  The ideas of the Zen about realization are so disturbing to our usual opinions that I felt I had to gather together as many viewpoints as possible to support these ideas.

























Let go! Theory & Practice of Detachment According to Zen - Hubert Benoit [PDF]

Artikelnummer: 978-0877282365
inkl. MwSt.

e-Text PDF


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