Melvin (Mel) Starr - Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Series
The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon are a series of fictional medieval mysteries written by Mel Starr. The first, published in 2008 by Monarch Books, is The Unquiet Bones.[1] The second, published in 2009, is A Corpse at St. Andrew's Chapel.[2] The third, published in 2010, is A Trail of Ink.[3] The fourth, published in 2011, is Unhallowed Ground. The fifth, sixth & seventh in the series are The Tainted Coin, Rest Not in Peace and The Abbot's Agreement. Subsequent books in the series include Ashes to Ashes, Lucifer's Harvest and Deeds of Darkness.
Melvin (Mel) Starr - Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Series [9 Vol. eBook Set] [ePub]
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