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Sex, Literature, and Censorship by D. H. Lawrence


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Viking (1959) 


Here are some of the most vital essays of our time, by the great modern novelist of love, D.H. Lawrence. In these passionate and profound discussions of the subject, the controversial author of LADY CHATTERLY'S LOVER, WOMEN IN LOVE, AND SONS AND LOVERS tells why he wrote those books and also presents the most significant comments made in our time on those continually debatable topics, sex and censorship. This book is a publishing event of the highest importance, if only because it marks the first American appearance of Lawrence's greatest essay on these subjects, A PROPOS OF LADY CHATERLEY'S LOVER. But the books does more than that - it brings together most of Lawrence's important statement on sex, literature, and censorship. They show, above all, that this man who in puritan countries has been so often called a "dirty" writer, was himself a rigorous puritan, almost violently clean-minded. But his puritanic intentions never had back his candor- the subject of sex is one that cannot be successfully discussed without through and concrete explorations of its every aspect, and Lawrence's words are hot brands dropped amid the tissues of civilized evasions. Ultimately, Lawrence meant his words to be healing. Despite the opposition of the nice-nellies (whom he would rescue from their nice-nellyism), Lawrence told a world that was nerve-shattered by wars and the materialistic scramble, that the old primitive power of love was still the greatest, the most positive force in life. Today, more than ever, humanity needs the message contained in this book.
































Sex, Literature and Censorship by D. H. Lawrence [PDF eBook]

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