The Dating Black Book by Carlos Xuma
Digital E-Book
Carlos Xuma is about to rip open and expose all the myths about attracting beautiful women into your life... In this groundbreaking manual, The Dating Black Book, you're going to learn about women, attraction, and relationships like never before. Carlos draws on years of experience in Eastern philosophy, psychology, Martial Arts, sales, and plain old common sense to explain the mystifying and confusing world of dating and relationships. Inside, you'll find tips, secrets, techniques, principles, and advice that will become your arsenal in the harrowing world of today's single man. You'll learn the attraction strategies that women have known and used for thousands of years, and finally, understand the true rules of dating success. Also included are Carlos' exclusive versions of "Transitions: Stepping Stones to Success" and "Dating Q&A."
The Dating Black Book by Carlos Xuma [PDF ebook]
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