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The Gambit by Mikhail Yudovich




The word itself is derived from the Italian word gamba, meaning "a leg"; and gambitare, meaning "to set traps". Italian wrestlers speak of gambitare, by which they mean "to set traps to catch the legs".


The gambit, a cunning and sharp method of opening a game, does, indeed, conceal a lot of dangerous traps and snares.  In offering a gambit one of the sides (more often White) sacrifices a Pawn or two, although occasionally a piece may be involved, to gain time or space, to break up the opponent's centre, or to set the stage for an early and more effective attack against the enemy King.


If, in reply to a gambit offered by White, Black also resorts to a sacrifice, striving to achieve the same objects as his opponent does, then this method of fighting is called a counter-gambit; if,  however, a sacrifice is turned down by Black, we speak about a declined gambit.


Gambits, the old openings, have been known for more than four centuries. In the mid-16th century when the latest improvement, castling, was introduced, the long evolution of the old shatranj* came to an end 



An Old but Formidable Weapon 4

The Immortal Gambit 15

Blow in the Centre 79

Captain Evans's Secret 93

In the Heat of Combat Ill

Modern Ideas 139

From the Golden Treasury 163

The Hidden and the Obvious (Questions Answered) . . 180


Language:  English

Pages:  186

















































The Gambit by Mikhail Yudovich [PDF E-Book]

Artikelnummer: 978-5852502209
inkl. MwSt.

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